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Shipment Allocations

Shipment Allocations can be used in conjunction with the Inventory Presell API to enable presell of inventory before an Inbound Order or Transfer Order arrives at its destination.

Shipment Allocations can be set per Shipment on the API or they can be set in bulk on all Shipments using Default Shipment Allocations.

Shipment Allocations

Used to allocate inventory for presell on an incoming shipment. Shipments that are in shipped status with an allocation will do the following:

  1. Increase ON_ORDER inventory status for the given SKU at the location linked to the indicated channel.
  2. Contribute to the response returned by the Inventory Presell API

Multiple shipment allocations can be applied to the same shipment item. They will be evaluated in Priority order from least to greatest. Once quantity is completely allocated for a given shipment item then following allocations with lesser priority no longer apply.

ON_ORDER inventory will be decreased when the shipment moves into a closed or cancelled status. ON_ORDER inventory will be decreased as shipment receipts are received for the allocated shipment items.

See more details in the Shipment Allocation API Reference.

Default Shipment Allocations

Used to automatically assign allocations to a shipment on user specified match criteria. If a shipment item matches any match criteria for a default allocation, then allocations will be generated on the shipment automatically.


If a default shipment allocation is deleted, the shipment allocations it created will be deleted but any remaining ON_ORDER quantities will remain even after the linked shipment is closed and/or received.

A manual adjustment may be needed after deleting a default shipment allocation to return ON_ORDER to expected quantities.

See more details in the Default Shipment Allocation API Reference.