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Send Orders Play

Send Orders Plays are responsible for routing order fulfillment requests to one or many warehouses. They run off of the PUSH_ORDERS Supplier Action and match orders that have been imported into ChannelApe. The Warehouse Location Map let's the play know which warehouses are available for routing. More details can be found on the Play Invocation Supplier API Reference

Order Query Parameters

Order query parameters filter imported orders and will run the play for each matched order. The following fields are supported:

  • statuses: A list of statuses for querying orders. These are the fields used in supplier if they exist. This defaults to OPEN if not provided.
  • channelIds: A list of channels on your business to query orders from
  • purchasedAtMinIntervalMinutes: Lookback interval for the startDate parameter when querying orders . Defaults to 1440 minutes.
  • purchasedAtMaxIntervalMinutes: Lookback interval for the endDate parameter when querying orders . Defaults to 0 minutes.
  • updatedAtMinIntervalMinutes: Lookback interval for the updatedAtStartDate parameter when querying orders .
  • updatedAtMaxIntervalMinutes: Lookback interval for the updatedAtEndDate parameter when querying orders .

Typical Steps

A Send Orders Play will typically consist of the following steps:

  1. Customer Service Window Step
  2. Order Management Step
  3. 1 or many Warehouse - Send Order Steps
  4. Update ChannelApe Step


The play once installed on the business as a supplier will match 0 to many orders based on the Order Query Parameters.

A matched order will go through the Customer Service Window Step to decide if the order can be sent for fulfillment based on the intelligent maturity period. If the answer is yes then we proceed to Order Management Step.

Within Order Management Step we check inventory levels and DOM Rules to see what is available to fulfill and create NEW fulfillments for everything available to ship. The NEW fulfillments are passed to one or many Warehouse - Send Order Steps (i.e. Webhook Send Orders Step)

Each warehouse step will look within the Warehouse Location Map to see what locations it is managing and capable of sending orders for. Any NEW fulfillments with a locationId that the Step can handle will be sent to the warehouse. The status will then be updated from NEW to PENDING and COMMITTED inventory will be increased at the location for every line item on the order fulfillment request.

Lastly the Update ChannelApe Step will commit all changes to ChannelApe (order updates, inventory updates, order activity creation).