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Aggregate locations allow summing up the Available To Promise(ATP) values of multiple child locations up to a single virtual location.

The configuration for aggregate locations is configured on the location itself.

Aggregate Locations

This example will take any adjustments made on either the East Coast Warehouse or West Coast Warehouse will bubble up an adjustment and ATP sync to the virtual sales channel. The following diagrams what happens in a set up like this:

Aggregate Location Adjustments


  1. A SET operation is made for East Coast Warehouse
  2. The adjustment is entered into channelape and the value is updated.
  3. Another SET adjustment is made to the inventory status of the parent location that the warehouse location is an aggregate of. (This can be multiple locations if configured this way)
  4. ATP is then calculated based on that adjustment and synchronized to shopify without having the need to actually make the adjustment directly on the virtual sales channel.


  1. An ADJUST operation is made for East Coast Warehouse
  2. The adjustment is entered into channelape and the value is updated.
  3. A relative adjustment is made to the inventory status of the parent location that the warehouse location is an aggregate of. (This can be multiple locations if configured this way). If a +1 happened on the child a +1 is going to happen on the parent
  4. ATP is then calculated based on that adjustment and synchronized to shopify without having the need to actually make the adjustment directly on the virtual sales channel.


  1. Aggregate Channel Sync flag on API needs to be set to true. Defaults to false
  2. Nested relationships are not supported. Cannot have an aggregate of an aggregate.